Friday, October 28, 2005


AUDIOBIBLE - FCBH wants to hear from you:

Gal 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. FCBH is YOUR ministry! . . . to the poorest of the poor and the illiterate of the world . . . those who can't read or don't want to read. And if YOU cannot fulfill your ministry, then how can we pray for YOU, so YOU may receive the joy of the Lord and the necessary resources of protection, direction and favor in your life to fulfill God's appointed task for YOU in prayer and giving to reach the lost? Let us know. We will pray! Email us at . YOUR request will be posted here without your name listed for YOUR privacy. And then, let others of The Family bring YOU, carry YOU before God's Throne of Grace and Mercy. He is YOUR sufficiency!

Read and Think and Pray - Continentally - CLICK HERE with the World at your finger tips!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

YOUR Prayer Concerns for December 2005

YOUR Prayer Concerns for November 2005

YOUR Pray Concerns for October 2005